Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Jets QB Controversy

So as a huge Jets fan it kind of sucks with how shitty we have played the last two weeks. This weekend in particular with Sanchez having a completion rating of 44.8%. That was the worst of any Starting Quarterback in the NFL this season and it is just abysmal. However even with this terrible completion percentage Rex Ryan still wants to start him. Ryan said, "Right now, I think Mark [Sanchez] gives us our best opportunity to win." This is the same thing John Fox said in Denver about Kyle Orton and Tebow as the back-up. Sounds familiar doesn't it.

In my opinion, what do you have to lose by starting Tebow. With Holmes most likely out for the rest of the year, you don't have many receivers, your line is terrible so at least Tebow will move away from defenders and you can't be any worse then what happened last week. Sanchez had one interception and a fumble last week. I am not saying Tebow will do any better but it can not make any difference. You got shut out and this team needs change. Whatever they have going right now is not working at all.

Last point about all this, say our season is shitty which we all are expecting and we get a good draft pick. What do you even draft? No one is going to take Sanchez and his contract so if you draft another Quarterback and have to pay him, you won't be able to afford it. This team needs a complete overhaul. You need an offensive line other then a Center with Mangold, you need WRs, a Runningback that averages more then 3 yards/carry, corners, linebackers, and basically everything except for specific players such as Revis, Mangold, etc.

SO Who do you think should start this weekend for the 1st Place New York Jets against one of the best teams in the NFL the Houston Texans on Monday Night Football and what would you draft as the Jets?

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