Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Point, Counterpoint: Responding to the Redskins Name Controversy

So I've been trying to avoid this argument all together, but as it drags on I just can't anymore. The reason why I decided to write this post is anger. It's literally pissing me off. As I read Sam's awesome article (check it out if you haven't yet) about the quasi-rant that famous Commackian Bob Costas went on during the halftime show for the Sunday night Redskins-Cowboys tilt, and the hyperbolic, over-dramatized comments that followed from anonymous internet posters, I could actually feel anger building inside me. Not anger directed towards Sam, who was simply pointing out how awful people are, based on their ridiculous comments, while not picking a side in the debate. It wasn't even anger towards those insane commenters. I felt myself getting angry at this debate itself. Why, you ask? Well I'll make it clear for you:

It is 100%, completely and totally POINTLESS, USELESS and UNNECESSARY!

Look, full disclosure, I'm a die hard Washington Redskins fan. Could that make me biased? Sure. Do I want the team name to change? Absolutely not. But that's not what I'm getting at. What I'm getting at, is that it's a moot point, and a useless debate. A survey conducted by the National Annenberg Election Survey in 2004 revealed that 90%, yes NINETY PERCENT of Native Americans did not find the term "Redskins" offensive. And, in fact, their are many Native American schools that use "Redskins" for the name of their teams. So clearly, this group that should be so terribly offended, according to those arguing against the name, doesn't actually seem to have any issue with it.

So why are we debating? If you ask me, I believe it's because people always need to have something to bitch about. Americans always need to be able to whine and complain in order to draw attention. That's why you see stuck up, self-loving individuals (see: Costas, Bob), corrupt BS artists who are only looking for some extra support by focusing on a meaningless debate rather than the endless pile of alarmingly scary issues facing this country (see: Politicians) and potentially insane "street protesters" arguing about a football team name all day, every day. 

The name is not changing. Dan Snyder has said it countless times. 
"We'll never change the name. It's simple. NEVER -- you can use caps."
No matter what Bob Costas, or that random politician ignoring his actual duties, or that crazy guy breaking into the Redskins owners meetings hurling flyers demanding a name change say, the NFL franchise located in Washington is, and will continue to be, the Washington Redskins. So please, PLEASE for everyone's sake, can you protesters please move on. Don't worry, I'm sure soon enough there will be some new, trendy, pointless debate for you to toss your unqualified opinion into, and then I can write this blog again!

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