Monday, October 14, 2013

What is wrong with people?

So if you haven't seen it yet, Bob Costas spent his half time speech during the Cowboys - Redskins games telling everyone why he believes the Redskins is a slur and the name should be changed. I'm not writing this blog to agree or disagree with Bob Costas on the matter but to wonder what the hell is wrong with the people who do disagree with him. This is the link to the story if you wish to read up on it yourself, but some of the comments people have been writing are really really ugly. Here's an example of a few to show you what runs through the minds of some really messed up people: "Hear that? That's the thunder of scared white people stampeding over themselves to trash "political correctness" because they feel threatened by the fact that they're losing more and more avenues by which to marginalize minorities" 
"How about americans stop being pussies over everything and find real shit to fight over, like the economy."

" Funny how Costas didn't mention the fact we celebrate Columbus today who killed and enslaved millions of Native Americans...but that's not offensive right??"

"Hearing some jackwagon's political views are the best part of watching football! Maybe we could get Costas and Olbermann to take on a tag team duo of George Clooney and Tim Robbins in some sort of athletic circle jerk!"

" Most of the people upset with the name are white liberals. Which proves my point that if there is one thing white people love to do, it's to be offended on behalf of a minority that doesn't really care."

But my very personal favorite is this one.... "Get over yourself,its not meant in hate!!go pick on the "white"house!same dumb made up crap.what about"dime"ooh,I'm not worth a dime,so now I find that word hateful.the word costas,now causes me trauma."

This person is absolutely right. The "white house" is racist. That house doesn't deserve to be called out based on the color of its skin. WHAT IS WRONG WITH WASHINGTON?! 

But seriously, I'd just like to apologize for the sake of all man kind.... There are some really big idiots in this world.

                                                                       *** UPDATE ***

Bob Costas is also kind of an assh*le so if you do read that blog and see people ripping on Costas, don't be offended on his part. It takes a lot for someone to make Costas look sympathetic, which he does in this case, but the guy pretends to be from St. Louis, so don't give him too much credit. 

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