Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Starting 5 of 90's Fictional Kid Athletes

From being a 90s kid all I did growing up was watch sport movies and play Backyard sports video games. Clearly was the best way growing up and wondering now, If you had to make a starting 5 out of the best fictional athletes from the 90s, who would it be any why?

Pablo Sanchez-PG Pablo clearly the best athlete in Backyard Sports knows exactly what he needs to do to help his team win. Yea he is short but is quick, agile and just a freak athlete. As a PG, he will know when to shoot, dish it out and more importantly take over a game if needed.

Air Bud- SG Pure Natural scorer. Didn’t matter where on the court he was, Air Bud was capable of out running the defense and finish. Only way people stopped him was by tackling him. Clearly an awesome shooter and not a ball hog at all.

Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez- SF May be the best athlete of the crew and that’s why he is your Small Forward. Benny is the next Lebron with his size, quickness, agility, and skills. He knows how to make his team better while also improving himself. No doubt would be the Captain of this team and will help lead them to greatness.  Also, only athlete on this team that we actually know went on to become a Professional.

Becky “Ice Box” O’Shea- PF Even though Ice Box wanted to actually act like a girl in the first half against the Cowboys, she wants to be one of the guys. She isn’t afraid to throw her body around and hit someone if needed which is why she would be a perfect post player. Willing to box out, set screens, then come off of the pick and score.

Greg Goldberg- People may say I want Goldberg because he is fat as a Center but he is the ultimate defenseman. Starting out as a goalie and moving to defense in D3, he knows how to protect his net and not let anyone near it. He will be willing to hit some people down low and throw his weight around like he does in D3 against Varsity. Will be able to protect his basket and score every once in a while.

Coach: Gordon Bombay- Mighty Ducks has always been my favorite movie so it only makes sense to make the Coach the one who had a team of nobody’s and turned them into Champions.

Honorable Mentions: The Italians( Kicking and Screaming), Adam Banks (Mighty Ducks), Bash Brothers (Mighty Ducks), Keisha Phillips (Backyard Sports), Kenny Leak (Bad News Bears), Coach Weston (Kicking and Screaming)